13 Nov Five Ways To Communicate Powerfully
Have you ever listened to someone give a talk or speech and been absolutely captivated by every word they say? Perhaps this was Joe Biden’s victory speech he gave just days ago, or even a colleague giving a presentation at work.
You could have no idea what they are talking about, but the way they deliver their words draws you in and makes you actually want to listen to them.
No matter the topic, they are simply conveying their words in a way that grips your attention right until they finish.
If you have come across someone who has seized your attention like this, then you have come across a powerful communicator.
Strong communicators are very influential people, and that is why it is so important to master good communication not only when presenting or giving a speech, but also when interacting with your clients and/or potential customers.
So, here are five tips for perfecting your communication skills through various effective strategies used by some of the best public and motivational speakers. Be sure to personalise them to fit in with your own style. Learning to communicate well is not a ‘one size fits all approach’.
1.Learn to listen
People like to talk about themselves. This is not an unknown fact. So, use this to play to people. Ask the audience or your client questions about themselves and make them feel that you are truly interested to know about them.
Perhaps ask how the pandemic is affecting their personal life, and follow up on what they say so they know you are not simply being courteous but genuinely care. Even better, remember what your client says for the next time you speak to them so you can ask if their situation or dilemma has improved or resolved itself.
This will communicate – not through words but by your actions – that you remember the details and are worthy of their custom.
Actions speak louder than words, as they say!
2. Show them your value
You should always aim to be as compelling as possible whether you’re communicating with an audience or with your client(s), and to do this you need to set out clearly and succinctly how you are going to be of value to them.
Focus on telling your audience/ client(s) what exactly you can do for them and how it will improve their business. Be direct and straight to the point. People don’t like to hear people dilly-dally around the point they are trying to convey as they will lose interest very quickly in what you are saying.
3. Choose your words carefully
Following on from the previous step, your listeners and customers are taking time out of their day to hear you pitch your idea or product to them.
So, make sure you make it worth their while.
Pick your words carefully and practice what you are going to say, how you are going to say it and when. Don’t ramble on simply to fill a quiet space – prepare every little detail so as not to lose their focus and, most importantly, to leave an impression. Communicate effectively.
4. Personalise your pitch
The most powerful way to grip people’s focus is to relate what you are saying to your own experiences.
Your disappointments and successes, your failures and viewpoints. This will translate in a much more effective way to your clients.
5. Enthuse your audience
If you are talking about a topic or product that excites you, then communicate this!
This doesn’t mean shouting at the top of your lungs about how enthusiastic you are about a project, but use your words to convey how excited you are about it. Showing your passion for something will draw in your listeners, and persuade them to be just as passionate about it as you are.
Polish up on your communication skills with these simple tips, and once you have cracked how to capture your customer’s or audience’s attention with a simple topic or product, you will have become a master of communication!